Not sure about you but the idea of self-promotion used to make me think and feel that I was bragging and tooting my own horn, being annoying or needy — all because I was trying to get my message out! If this sounds familiar, I’m here to share that we can change that up through […]
Let’s talk back-end business set-up! For the first few years of my business, I used a lot of different platforms and the back-end was all over the place. In today’s episode my Husband, Jonathan and I, talk about how we went form using multiple platforms to only using one — making the process of launching […]
If you’re ready to be magnetic on camera, get on the Waitlist to access early bird pricing for my new magnetic on camera program. CLICK HERE Growing an online business without intention or purpose is a no-go, especially when using video! Your ideal clients can sense this from a mile away and it makes your […]
Have you ever leaned into your cycles as a way to run your business? I’m not just talking female cycles… I’m talking syncing the moon and 24 hour cycles too. It’s been an absolute game changer for me and I can’t shout it loud enough from the rooftops. Start realizing how you feel during your […]
If you are ready to grow your business on TikTok, this episode is for you! Being in front of the camera is a scary and uncomfortable feeling. But, you need to be on camera to become more comfortable. Go figure. My co-host, Skyelar Garcia, is a Social Media Strategist that specializes in TikTok. She shares […]
The Go-To Coach Program is open for enrollment ONLY through this week! Click here to get enrolled! In todays episode, I share my top 5 things you need to focus on to grow your coaching business in 2022 1. Pick your niche 2. Create a message that speaks directly to the people you can help 3. […]
I’m so excited to share a little snippet of The Go-To Coach Workshop with you. It’s🔥 if I do say so myself! If you want to listen to the full workshop — head HERE I teach you how to sell through PERMISSION… because if you know me you know that I’m not a fan of cold […]
Before we dive in, make sure to join my upcoming Go-To Coach Workshop!! I’m going to be showing how to get seen, heard, and paid with more clarity and ease than ever before. CLICK HERE to save your seat! There’s a million ways to run your business! But how do you know which route to go […]
Learn Exactly How to Become the Go-To Coach in Your Niche so You Can Create Freedom, & Feel Fulfilled AF>>> Save Your Seat Passive Income — it’s all the rage! This week I’m welcoming Heart Over Hustle’s first co-host, my daughter, Becca Luna. This conversation is going to blow your mind with the amount of […]
I asked if I should bring the podcast back and the answer was a resounding YES! So welcome to this inaugural episode! Heart Over Hustle has been brewing inside of me and I am so excited to share the first episode with you. It’s all about showing up powerfully in your mission, in your message, […]