free magnetic video marketing guidebook

I created this guide for you, so you can easily speak your message on camera in a way that attracts fans, clients, and speaking opportunities! Your Personal Brand needs to reflect your brilliance. And I am going to show you exactly how to do that.


Grab this 9 page guidebook & upgrade your brand videos immediataly!

Hey! I'm Jaya Rose

In my late 30's I was a personal trainer, running a small fitness studio and secretly wanting more. 

I wanted to make a big impact and to use my voice powerfully. But I had no idea how to do this.

So I played small and downplayed my desire for more...

Until I learned about building a personal brand online, I saw other creative, purpose-driven people speaking on camera and making great money in their online businesses.

I started using video to grow my fitness business and quickly became obsessed with sharing my message on camera.

A year into building my fitness brand my Dad passed away suddenly and it shifted everything for me.

I started looking at where I was still playing small and hiding. And that’s when it hit me.


So I burned it all down and grew to 6 figures in 6 months!

Now, 8 years later I am more passionate than ever and have created many resources so you too can claim your big dreams and build a well-known Brand online! Ready?

video marketing &
personal brand expert

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